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Re: [新聞] 投資5億 緯創在高雄設研發中心
Dec 8th 2014, 22:31, by pinkowa

作者pinkowa (pinkowa)


標題Re: [新聞] 投資5億 緯創在高雄設研發中心

時間Mon Dec 8 22:31:40 2014

※ 引述《Andrew90 (蒙那麗莎的偽笑)》之銘言: : 投資5億 緯創在高雄設研發中心 : 【中央社╱台北8日電】 : 2014.12.08 08:00 pm : 緯創預定3年投資新台幣5億元,在高雄打造軟體產品研發中心,用台北的 : 薪資及福利享受高雄的生活,吸引在地優秀人才。 : 緯創與高雄市政府經濟發展局今天舉行簽約儀式,揭櫫雙方合作意向宣言, : 由緯創幕僚長林福謙與經濟發展局局長曾文生共同簽訂。 : 緯創明年將於高雄設立軟體產品研發中心,期以台北辦公區的薪給和福利標 : 準吸引軟體專才留鄉或返鄉工作,初期規劃將招募200位工程人員聚集研發能量。 : 在全球的24個營運基地,緯創擁有超過8萬名員工;研發人員達5600人,其中 : 包含千人研發團隊專注在軟體的開發與設計。 : 林福謙表示,在雲端、物聯網和大數據的時代,突破性創新軟體扮演將硬體、 : 系統、資訊整合在一起的關鍵角色,不僅能增加硬體的價值,更能促成高端技術 : 如巨量資料分析及應用等新服務的開展。 : 緯創資通軟體產品高雄研發中心將在104年1月進駐鹽埕埔捷運站共構大樓,並規 : 劃提供200個職缺。 : 唉唷 不錯喔 關鍵字:用台北的薪資 0 0 Support Technology Item Job Skill and conditions 1 iOS TM "0.At least 5 years solid QT/SIT experience with Mobile APP1.Strong hands on experience developing applications for different resolutions, including smart phone and tablets2.Must have strong Native iOS Development skills 3.Must be strong with Object-C 4.Good understanding of Object Oriented Programming Concepts5.Experience writing software that goes into production.6.Familiar with restful APIs and Webkit7.Familiar with application optimization and performance tuning.8.Recent experience developing 1 or more published iOS applications is desired 9.Familiar with UI/UX development guideline (ex, iOS guidelines)" 2 iOS RD "0.Strong hands on experience developing applications for different resolutions, including smart phone and tablets1.Must have strong Native iOS Development skills 2.Must be strong with Object-C 3.Good understanding of Object Oriented Programming Concepts4.Experience writing software that goes into production.5.Familiar with restful APIs and Webkit6.Familiar with application optimization and performance tuning.7.Recent experience developing 1 or more published iOS applications is desired 8.Familiar with UI/UX development guideline (ex, iOS guidelines)" 3 Windows/.NET TM "0.At least 5 years solid development experience with Web applicationWindows APP 1.Degree or above in Computer Science.2.Good understanding of Object-oriented programing 3.Proficient in C#/.NET/Windows programming4.Experience with handling Window UI Layout/Dialog is a plus5.Experience with handling Web and system developing project is a plus6.Familiar to Web/Cloud Service is a plus7.A self-motivated and proactive college graduate with can-do attitude8.Good Communication Skill and Team work" 4 Windows/.NET RD "0.Degree or above in Computer Science.1.Good understanding of Object-oriented programing 2.Proficient in C#/.NET/Windows programming3.Experience with handling Window UI Layout/Dialog is a plus4.Experience with handling Web and system developing project is a plus5.Familiar to Web/Cloud Service is a plus6.A self-motivated and proactive college graduate with can-do attitude7.Good Communication Skill and Team work" 5 IoT Cloud Service( Front-End) RD "0.At least 2~3 years solid development experience with Web application1.HTML5/Css3/JavaScript/jQuery/Ajax.2.Experience in front-end framework,such as bootstrap.3.Experience in Responsive Web Design4.Good UI visualization design.5.Good command on verbal and oral communication skills.6.Self-motivated working attitude." 6 IoT Cloud Service (Back-End, Java) TM "0.At least 5 years solid development experience with Web application1.Experience in designing Web and system developing architect outline2.Knowledge of applying algorithms, especially data mining, to programming will be definitely a plus.3.Good understanding of Object-oriented programing 4.Proficient in Java/HTML/JavaScript/CSS programming5.Better with Python programming, data visualization and cluster computing experiences6.A self-motivated and proactive college graduate with can-do attitude7.Good Communication Skil" 7 IoT Cloud Service (Back-End, Java) RD "0.At least 2~3 years solid development experience with Web application1.Experience in designing Web and system developing architect outline2.Knowledge of applying algorithms, especially data mining, to programming will be definitely a plus.3.Good understanding of Object-oriented programing 4.Proficient in Java/HTML/JavaScript/CSS programming5.Better with Python programming, data visualization and cluster computing experiences6.A self-motivated and proactive college graduate with can-do attitude7.Good Communication Skill" 8 Cloud Sofeware TM "0.Familiar with Linux/Windows/Cloud Platform(Openstack/VMware/Windows2012)1.Degree or above in Computer Science (include Network Router and Tunnel).2.Good understanding of Object-oriented programing 3.Proficient in Java/C programming4.Familiar to Python programming is a plus5.A self-motivated and proactive college graduate with can-do attitude6.Good Communication Skill" 9 PM "0.Experience with handling Web and system developing project1.Familiar with system architecture2.Experience in handling government related project3.Experience in handling Hospital information system or related.4.Experience with BI related project5.Strong in issues analysis and information collecting" 10 SA "0.Experience in designing Web and system developing architect outline1.Experience in designing Hospital information system or related.2.Experience with BI related project3.Familiar with UML or related kits4.Familiar in coming out system flow chat5.Well in analyzing system architecture" 11 Sensior QT/QA "0.At least 5 years solid QT/SIT experience with Cloud Platform/Web application/Mobile APP/Windows APP or other platform.1.Familiar with Cloud/Server/Network platform and windows/linux/cloud OS knowledge 2.Familiar with Test Flow and Define test Case/Scope3.Development test program and script.4.Familiar with Auto test and CI flow and tools (Web Application…etc)5.A self-motivated and proactive college graduate with can-do attitude6.Good Communication Skill" 12 QT/QA "0.At least 1~3 years solid QT/SIT experience with Cloud Platform/Web application/Mobile APP/Windows APP or other platform.1.Familiar with Cloud/Server/Network platform and windows/linux/cloud OS knowledge 2.Familiar with Test Flow and Define test Case/Scope3.Development test program and script.4.Familiar with Auto test and CI flow and tools (Web Application…etc)5.A self-motivated and proactive college graduate with can-do attitude6.Good Communication Skill" 目前只知道缺這些正職 研替跟實習晚一點我找看看... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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