商業周刊 - 專欄部落格文章
先進觀念 輕鬆掌握 
Jul 25th 2014, 01:59, by 世界公民文化中心

來源:JD Hancock@flicr, CC BY 2.0


Don’t act like a princess/prince 不要把公主/王子病帶進公司

解析:辦公室是工作場所,不是耍脾氣的地方,請把公主/王子病留在家,在職場中就該表現專業。若想用一句話通指自以為應得特殊待遇的人,可以用a (false) sense of entitlement。

例句:Jenny has a false sense of entitlement. Most of her coworkers can’t stand her acting like a princess. Jenny自以為可以得到特殊待遇,大部分同事都沒辦法忍受她的公主病。

Don’t make fun of your coworkers at work 不要吐槽同事


例句:Andy always makes fun of his coworkers in disregard of their feelings. No wonder he’s not well liked at work. Andy總是吐槽同事,不顧其他人感受。難怪他在公司不太受歡迎。

Don't knock it until you try it 不要一開始就說不

解析:其實這句話的翻譯是「試過了才知道」。不要一開始就對事情say no,有些交付給你的任務雖然聽起來困難,但是總要嘗試過才會知道。

A: I don’t think I can take charge of this project. I am afraid that I am going to mess things up. 我不覺得我可以負責這個專案,我擔心會搞砸了。

B: Don’t knock it until you try it. Why don’t you just give it a shot? You have nothing to lose. 別一開始就說不,為什麼不試試看,反正也沒什麼損失。

Check all personal matters at the door 公歸公、私歸私


例句:Check all personal matters at the door when entering the office every day so that we can focus on the work. 每天上班的時候,不要把私事帶進公司,這樣我們才能心無旁鶩。


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