與Sigma CEO Kazuto Yamaki 有過一段訪問。
來源其中重點是Sigma已經要準備支援SONY E mount,那Fujifilm X-mount/Nikon 1/ Canon M等有什麼計畫?
Sigma表示,他們已經看到無反市場的潛力(OS:現在才看到啊?!) ,但由於有限的人力以及資源,無法顧及全部,所以我們擴充那些較高階的無反市場 (我這裡解讀FF的SONY以及APSC的SONY/Fuji)。
大家期待Sigma的加入嗎? 對消費者而言應該是個福音。
訪問原文: The most important part of your production is for digital SLR cameras. What about mirrorless? I see you support MFT and Sony E cameras, but what about Fuji, Nikon 1, Canon M? Do you plan to support also these cameras?
Yamaki: First of all, I think mirrorless cameras are very promising products for the future. […] We always plan to expand our product lineup for mirrorless cameras. […] If there’s opportunity, we’d like to support as many systems as possible. […] But our engineering resources are limited. We have many things to do, many projects to make products of even higher quality, production more efficient… So supporting the new systems is quite time consuming, and requires lots of engineering resources. So we have to carefully select who is our customer. […] We think we define our main customers as photo enthusiasts who like serious photography. So we’ll probably expand our product lineup for those people, who use high-end mirrorless cameras. They are our main customers I think.