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2014 04 17 美劇預告
Apr 17th 2014, 11:05


冰血暴Fargo S01E02 The Rooster Prince預告

地球百子The 100 S01E06 His Sister’s Keeper預告

第十三號倉庫Warehouse 13 S05E02 Secret Service預告

公園與休憩Parks and Recreation S06E20One in 8,000預告

社區大學Community S05E13 Basic Sandwich預告

菜鳥員警Rookie Blue第五季預告

女王Reign S01E18 No Exit預告

瘋人瘋語The Crazy Ones S01E21 The Monster預告

芝加哥烈焰Chicago Fire / 芝加哥警署Chicago PD聯合預告

醜聞Scandal S03E18 The Price of Free and Fair Election預告(本季終)

達芬奇的惡魔Da Vinci's Demons S02E05 The Sun and the Moon預告

為人父母Parenthood S05E22 The Pontiac預告

貝茲旅館Bates Motel第二季預告

貝茲旅館Bates Motel S02E08 Meltdown預告


情何以堪Awkward S04E03 Listen to This預告

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