作者Rambo (香帥)
標題[影片] 今日 MLB 賽事精華 (2013.08.15)
時間Fri Aug 16 15:15:23 2013
天使 (LAA) VS
洋基 (NYY) (
8 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/aELW http://ppt.cc/bjbf Yanks' broadcasters on replay
http://ppt.cc/emXB http://ppt.cc/UpHV Nelson shines with bat, glove http://ppt.cc/9aDB http://ppt.cc/Poiu Nelson turns two http://ppt.cc/J60z http://ppt.cc/5god Shuck throws out Soriano http://ppt.cc/WdSq http://ppt.cc/Vim6 Soriano RBI single
http://ppt.cc/3JVG http://ppt.cc/GLVG Nelson chats after big game
http://ppt.cc/NN2a http://ppt.cc/fJtq Recap: NYY 4, LAA 8 http://ppt.cc/zGOW http://ppt.cc/qrL9 Nelson on his big game
http://ppt.cc/Igm6 http://ppt.cc/2EhQ Nelson solo shot
http://ppt.cc/6bUI http://ppt.cc/qbOc Cano RBI single
http://ppt.cc/m-7d http://ppt.cc/MOzx Hamilton RBI single
http://ppt.cc/OqRd http://ppt.cc/SmAT Conger sacrifice fly
http://ppt.cc/4Fvd http://ppt.cc/9y7d Nelson barehanded play http://ppt.cc/4Vkh http://ppt.cc/krYp Hughes' quality start
http://ppt.cc/MYT9 http://ppt.cc/TLBL Soriano four-hit game
http://ppt.cc/lLqZ http://ppt.cc/6jGD Nelson grand slam
http://ppt.cc/0WYr http://ppt.cc/3v6S Girardi on Logan call
http://ppt.cc/gNnw http://ppt.cc/OI5c Wilson solid start
http://ppt.cc/IHmT http://ppt.cc/1n5d Wells' two-run double
海盜 (PIT) VS
紅雀 (STL) (
5 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/Vt-S http://ppt.cc/izSH Carpenter big game
http://ppt.cc/8AwZ http://ppt.cc/8xCR Freese turns two http://ppt.cc/GbeX http://ppt.cc/xgrN Pirates hit for cycle in fifth
http://ppt.cc/GSQs http://ppt.cc/ew4g Molina throws out Marte at third http://ppt.cc/BU~E http://ppt.cc/Uxgs Maness first career hit
http://ppt.cc/RNsk http://ppt.cc/G3ad Descalso two-run single
http://ppt.cc/dv-g http://ppt.cc/kRBb Matheny on beating Pirates
http://ppt.cc/AH6M http://ppt.cc/3nTq Recap: PIT 5, STL 6 http://ppt.cc/xgEw http://ppt.cc/NuM2 Carpenter RBI triple
http://ppt.cc/QCiR http://ppt.cc/UOeR Martin game-tying blast
http://ppt.cc/mmvb http://ppt.cc/3W5V Lambo first MLB hit, RBI
http://ppt.cc/Yb7z http://ppt.cc/KT7s Barmes turns two http://ppt.cc/0z3l http://ppt.cc/CSvl Jay RBI single
http://ppt.cc/xm5l http://ppt.cc/nTjR Adams nails Harrison at the dish http://ppt.cc/cWvl http://ppt.cc/WXOX Walker sacrifice fly
http://ppt.cc/gmx3 http://ppt.cc/2AR1 Holliday walk-off single
http://ppt.cc/Qc8u http://ppt.cc/RmVH Barmes' two-run blast
http://ppt.cc/h9PM http://ppt.cc/-012 Holliday RBI double
http://ppt.cc/dgjX http://ppt.cc/0XvD Cardinals' five-run fifth
http://ppt.cc/5fdX http://ppt.cc/Hn~w Pirates fall in the 12th
太空人 (HOU) VS
運動家 (OAK) (
0 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/o7Vm http://ppt.cc/DAIY Wallace nice grab http://ppt.cc/4Z~F http://ppt.cc/t2H5 Freiman two-run jack
http://ppt.cc/h7S2 http://ppt.cc/JJ6H Freiman two-run double
http://ppt.cc/nvhJ http://ppt.cc/gQXJ Dominguez diving catch http://ppt.cc/nNtI http://ppt.cc/okxc Recap: HOU 0, OAK 5 http://ppt.cc/IlHC http://ppt.cc/kmwM Freiman huge game
http://ppt.cc/jZuv http://ppt.cc/28EE Villar double
http://ppt.cc/8rZi http://ppt.cc/3m5l Sogard snares liner, hit by bat http://ppt.cc/pCA5 http://ppt.cc/wFPt Gray first big league win
http://ppt.cc/H9sP http://ppt.cc/X2Xk Grandma snags foul ball
http://ppt.cc/9Niu http://ppt.cc/C27- Lowrie RBI double
http://ppt.cc/80ea http://ppt.cc/ohfp Melvin on Gray stellar start
http://ppt.cc/nQEf http://ppt.cc/bFoA Villar snares a liner http://ppt.cc/VGfA http://ppt.cc/mA-- Gray, Freiman on A win
http://ppt.cc/q0n- http://ppt.cc/7gyG Must C: Clipped 巨人 (SF) VS
國民 (WSH) (
4 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/aBEl http://ppt.cc/Lbbb Romo shuts the door
http://ppt.cc/ECyk http://ppt.cc/06TG Belt solo homer
http://ppt.cc/H3Mk http://ppt.cc/Air2 Must C: Clutch http://ppt.cc/QINR http://ppt.cc/2GNf Sanchez on clutch homer
http://ppt.cc/jF4N http://ppt.cc/TdJ5 LaRoche RBI single
http://ppt.cc/bZKI http://ppt.cc/cNXP Sanchez go-ahead homer
http://ppt.cc/aCBm http://ppt.cc/EX2m Rendon unbelievable stop http://ppt.cc/bump http://ppt.cc/cbhm Lopez finishes off the eighth
http://ppt.cc/KsFm http://ppt.cc/TPen Recap: SF 4, WSH 3 http://ppt.cc/mRDn http://ppt.cc/p3go Desmond two-run double
http://ppt.cc/4-OJ http://ppt.cc/SVJT Nats turn two http://ppt.cc/a6ex http://ppt.cc/dnU8 Haren strong start
http://ppt.cc/Db0S http://ppt.cc/0jQl Rosario hit with comebacker
http://ppt.cc/Aztd http://ppt.cc/gRZH Johnson on Sanchez homer
http://ppt.cc/FJ3v http://ppt.cc/pdWn Crawford diving catch 紅襪 (BOS) VS
藍鳥 (TOR) (
1 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/IJmy http://ppt.cc/qelU Peavy quality start
http://ppt.cc/vc1z http://ppt.cc/jLyV Lawrie tough grab http://ppt.cc/1Ux1 http://ppt.cc/9ewE Pillar outstanding throw http://ppt.cc/Uxus http://ppt.cc/ivZb Red Sox score first
http://ppt.cc/Xg-N http://ppt.cc/f8Wh Buehrle notches his ninth win
http://ppt.cc/tLh2 http://ppt.cc/2D0N Janssen earns the save
http://ppt.cc/JUJL http://ppt.cc/BO1t Davis singles off Tazawa glove
http://ppt.cc/PGvV http://ppt.cc/JYl6 Lawrie RBI single
http://ppt.cc/L5AZ http://ppt.cc/ppiF Papi fouls ball off his foot
http://ppt.cc/vGT5 http://ppt.cc/dZWt DeRosa sacrifice fly
http://ppt.cc/dcUa http://ppt.cc/o1Gh Recap: BOS 1, TOR 2 http://ppt.cc/18bF http://ppt.cc/ZuOj Gibbons on Buehrle , Pillar 皇家 (KC) VS
老虎 (DET) (
1 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/Sy5i http://ppt.cc/HPFR Dirks' four-hit game
http://ppt.cc/C-ma http://ppt.cc/28-7 Prince two-run homer
http://ppt.cc/Ah4i http://ppt.cc/BAls Tigers fan shows his stripes
http://ppt.cc/hyPp http://ppt.cc/rUSf Miggy RBI single
http://ppt.cc/2NlB http://ppt.cc/6N09 Bonifacio first Royals hit
http://ppt.cc/F2Sf http://ppt.cc/Uae1 Hunter RBI single
http://ppt.cc/Bc1e http://ppt.cc/oPSo Gordon RBI single
http://ppt.cc/o3su http://ppt.cc/CdV- Royals turn two http://ppt.cc/Pqyz http://ppt.cc/1iu~ Recap: KC 1, DET 4 http://ppt.cc/ND-G http://ppt.cc/QJSj Miggy sliding catch http://ppt.cc/o9y5 http://ppt.cc/ufEP Benoit earns the save
http://ppt.cc/U9f7 http://ppt.cc/UqDK Anibal earns 11th win
http://ppt.cc/jjuZ http://ppt.cc/n8oy Royals get Pena 水手 (SEA) VS
光芒 (TB) (
1 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/JOAy http://ppt.cc/H3-N Escobar RBI single
http://ppt.cc/Y-4N http://ppt.cc/WRT1 Loney diving catch http://ppt.cc/gQRA http://ppt.cc/PxoW Saunders' sliding grab http://ppt.cc/nJy5 http://ppt.cc/giMI Ibanez solo shot
http://ppt.cc/1BYK http://ppt.cc/LPh7 Joyce caution-tapes Myers' bat
http://ppt.cc/sCdq http://ppt.cc/fAdq Myers' two-run double
http://ppt.cc/328C http://ppt.cc/mrTg Longoria leaping grab http://ppt.cc/3-te http://ppt.cc/BnQA Recap: SEA 1, TB 7 http://ppt.cc/UxVx http://ppt.cc/jMyN Cobb limits Mariners in win
http://ppt.cc/eTQv http://ppt.cc/00Mb Cobb gets out of trouble
http://ppt.cc/eXya http://ppt.cc/Idh- Myers' four-RBI game
http://ppt.cc/9rVz http://ppt.cc/cnM3 Cobb on his outing
http://ppt.cc/P8fj http://ppt.cc/TQRP Myers' RBI double
http://ppt.cc/DdVP http://ppt.cc/W2Ph Myers' RBI single
http://ppt.cc/eYRi http://ppt.cc/~ESs Myers on Rays' win
http://ppt.cc/sCv~ http://ppt.cc/qdSM Fan grabs foul, gives to son
http://ppt.cc/mRjj http://ppt.cc/pe~U Longoria two-run tater
http://ppt.cc/XJ65 http://ppt.cc/XwwJ Python visits Rays clubhouse
白襪 (CWS) VS
雙城 (MIN) (
3 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/DhyT http://ppt.cc/-TAn Roenicke barehanded play http://ppt.cc/MtpO http://ppt.cc/xmc8 Konerko sacrifice fly
http://ppt.cc/qR61 http://ppt.cc/4wUL Phegley smart throw http://ppt.cc/1fCB http://ppt.cc/bmBG Gardenhire on walk-off win
http://ppt.cc/U1-1 http://ppt.cc/Tvm5 Pelfrey quality start
http://ppt.cc/LWIU http://ppt.cc/RyF6 Recap: CWS 3, MIN 4 http://ppt.cc/~Xdc http://ppt.cc/cpYJ Herrmann walk-off single
http://ppt.cc/2kU3 http://ppt.cc/i3HW Dunn RBI single
http://ppt.cc/JMWx http://ppt.cc/1xvI Willingham RBI single
http://ppt.cc/3WI2 http://ppt.cc/Rlk- Morneau game-tying single
http://ppt.cc/Ae1m http://ppt.cc/Ljin Twins on walking off
http://ppt.cc/uCMB http://ppt.cc/ooRf Hermann on walk-off win
http://ppt.cc/K13a http://ppt.cc/Oi97 Ramirez sac fly
http://ppt.cc/gwnZ http://ppt.cc/th5F Rienzo strong outing
http://ppt.cc/H3MP http://ppt.cc/FV3- White Sox fall to Twins
http://ppt.cc/s-Og http://ppt.cc/GL7q Plouffe solo shot
紅人 (CIN) VS
釀酒人 (MIL) (
2 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/km-H http://ppt.cc/5E7Q Mesoraco goes to second on error
http://ppt.cc/hTBw http://ppt.cc/AVHc Must C: Catch http://ppt.cc/l0xs http://ppt.cc/1JcO Bianchi diving snag http://ppt.cc/4FRg http://ppt.cc/tLLo Votto solo homer
http://ppt.cc/Qb8k http://ppt.cc/pzqk Mesoraco sliding grab http://ppt.cc/rV1o http://ppt.cc/PhmD Gomez makes terrific grab, exits http://ppt.cc/cYlG http://ppt.cc/U-AR Chapman closes out the win
http://ppt.cc/PwS7 http://ppt.cc/sAmi Mesoraco cuts down Bianchi http://ppt.cc/GRX6 http://ppt.cc/rjAM Lohse strong start
http://ppt.cc/y8ZO http://ppt.cc/1ndh Cozart RBI single
http://ppt.cc/Uz5Q http://ppt.cc/TEVK Davis' solo shot
http://ppt.cc/SXOF http://ppt.cc/1BZB Brewers turn two http://ppt.cc/ZvTU http://ppt.cc/FHiM Recap: CIN 2, MIL 1 http://ppt.cc/sW5v http://ppt.cc/bvdn Roenicke on Gomez, Lohse
http://ppt.cc/lF57 http://ppt.cc/oaSX Cingrani fans nine to earn win
大都會 (NYM) VS
教士 (SD) (
4 :
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/ja3f http://ppt.cc/vblG Cedeno nice play http://ppt.cc/PzHf http://ppt.cc/Xrt6 Lagares throws out Ross http://ppt.cc/tvxv http://ppt.cc/1OoP Recap: NYM 4, SD 1 http://ppt.cc/YjYm http://ppt.cc/6W-q Satin RBI infield single
http://ppt.cc/SgaD http://ppt.cc/4ttG Wheeler 10th strikeout
http://ppt.cc/lg1y http://ppt.cc/U6Se Byrd two-run double
http://ppt.cc/Rgq8 http://ppt.cc/WijQ Germen first MLB save
http://ppt.cc/evxG http://ppt.cc/gEUQ Decker sacrifice fly
http://ppt.cc/ovjn http://ppt.cc/pHg~ Wheeler notches 12th strikeout
http://ppt.cc/0YBx http://ppt.cc/jGfi Wheeler 12 strikeouts
http://ppt.cc/7JcB http://ppt.cc/qnUs Black on Ross' start
http://ppt.cc/fHjN http://ppt.cc/1ryc Ross' strong outing
http://ppt.cc/olAU http://ppt.cc/EsYo Golden first pitch
http://ppt.cc/iCd5 http://ppt.cc/QBYv Lagares' diving grab http://ppt.cc/fWcA http://ppt.cc/waz1 Cedeno leaping catch http://ppt.cc/yzGo http://ppt.cc/nnao Rivera reviewed triple
http://ppt.cc/QKV5 http://ppt.cc/yMxk Buck solo homer
每日五大好球/精華回顧 >>>>>>官網版<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<< http://ppt.cc/NN2a http://ppt.cc/fJtq Recap: NYY 4, LAA 8
http://ppt.cc/AH6M http://ppt.cc/3nTq Recap: PIT 5, STL 6
http://ppt.cc/nNtI http://ppt.cc/okxc Recap: HOU 0, OAK 5
http://ppt.cc/KsFm http://ppt.cc/TPen Recap: SF 4, WSH 3
http://ppt.cc/dcUa http://ppt.cc/o1Gh Recap: BOS 1, TOR 2
http://ppt.cc/Pqyz http://ppt.cc/1iu~ Recap: KC 1, DET 4
http://ppt.cc/3-te http://ppt.cc/BnQA Recap: SEA 1, TB 7
http://ppt.cc/LWIU http://ppt.cc/RyF6 Recap: CWS 3, MIN 4
http://ppt.cc/ZvTU http://ppt.cc/FHiM Recap: CIN 2, MIL 1
http://ppt.cc/tvxv http://ppt.cc/1OoP Recap: NYM 4, SD 1
http://ppt.cc/j7kI http://ppt.cc/EgBI 今日五大好球
http://ppt.cc/Pqm5 http://ppt.cc/9t-j 上週十大好球
http://ppt.cc/e-hY http://ppt.cc/TcNf 今日快速掃描
http://ppt.cc/6rmK http://ppt.cc/qQ1l 今日快掃Nice Play
http://ppt.cc/hTBw http://ppt.cc/AVHc Must C: Catch
http://ppt.cc/H3Mk http://ppt.cc/Air2 Must C: Clutch
http://ppt.cc/q0n- http://ppt.cc/7gyG Must C: Clipped --
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http://nbafilm.enjoy101.org NBA官網 + ESPN官網 每日即時線上影片 --
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